Thursday, July 30, 2009

why do nice guys finish last?

so...this sweet young man asked me why do nice guys finish last?
and the only answer i could come up with was...
they don't.
but, i couldn't tell him that, because, while he's busy figuring out his place in the world...
he's gotta go thru whatever life hands him and if life hands him a puzzle that's fallen apart...
he's the only one who can put the pieces together...
if he were willing to listen, really hear what i had to say...
i would tell him, stop letting your pain dictate to you what the rest of your life is going to look like...
know that, when she hurt you sticking around to help see her thru her bullshit,
altho you did open the door for her to hurt you more...
that's not to say you're a fool or wrong for having the heart to stay and the soul to believe in her goodness and worth...
because, deep down you know that for as ugly as she was toward much as she fucked up...deep down she is worthy...
now, here's the's not that you failed as a's that she failed to see her own worth and therefore...
no matter how hard you tried...or how "nice" a guy you were and are...there was no way your relationship could work...
fuck takes two in a partnership...just because you believed in her didn't make a damn bit of difference because
she didn't believe in herself. what? you've moved on...or have you? have you?
i ask this question with a sardonic smile and a shake of your if you know the answer and that answer is...
nice guys finish last because they're pussies...
or some such bullshit...
here's my take...take your time...why are you in such a hurry?
where do have to go that you can't take the time...the precious time you need...
to focus on hone your become the man you want to be...
because, while you are working on you...somewhere, out in the world...
so is she...she is busy learning from her mistakes, busy tryin to figure out her own place...
her pain is as real as yours...and like you, she gets back up after her sadness beats her down...
you haven't met her yet...but, you know her...
you know her smile, you know her sweet feel her soul as her Spirit reaches out to you...
know that she longs for you too...probably asks herself silly questions
why can't i just meet that perfect...that sweet....
nice guy?
and when you meet her...she'll make sure you know that in her eyes...
and in her heart...nice guys like you
never finish last....

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