Saturday, May 14, 2011

before the sun rises

just before the light of morning...
in that quiet place where angels tread,
there is a peace you can almost touch,
where forgiveness seems possible
and love isn't at all scary or clouded
by the games people play...
there is this surreal connection between
what is known and what is unknown,
as our dreams dance along the edges of our mind
and our hopes spread their wings to fly...
in this place, the child inside us walks freely,
without the constraints our self doubts place upon us
during our days and nights of struggle in what we call 'reality'...
ideas are limitless and there is no fear of failure...
there is no fear at all...
as i sit and gaze up at a midnight blue sky,
watching the colors change as the sun rises,
i feel a joy borne from anticipation and a knowing
that this peaceful place is a place i carry inside of me...
and it is here that i am most welcome...
it is here that i must chance to dwell from time to time,
if only to rest my weary soul and gather the strength
i am going to need if i am to take hold this precious life
and sculpt it into the masterpiece i have been given the sacred privilege to create...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

boo hoo, grow a pair...

so, you let me in a give me a taste of how great you can be and then...BAM, the bomb don't want a relationship...your heart can't take being broken again...and this makes me....

...want to throw up.

do you think you hold the monopoly on pain?
do you think you are the only one in this world who has been lied to, cheated on, dumped?
so, your recourse is, to take on one or more (or all) of the following perspectives:
1. you are a loser
2. all women are losers
3. you'll only hurt me
4. eventually, i'm sure to hurt you
5. you're never going to let another woman in your heart
6. you're going to live your life alone, forever
7. you are not meant to love or be loved

we have all been hurt...all of us...and it makes sense to put up a wall for a while, take time to recover...
put in perspective the experience had and then, dammit, move on from's so easy to become a victim but, i have a challenge for better for it...don't let the one failure you had be so strong, so powerful, that it dictates your present and future...what a waste of all you can be, all you can give and receive...
and another thing...damn you!
damn you for writing me off...i am not your past...i am right imperfect, perfect example of possibility...a crazy, emotional, well meaning, work in progress who is doing her best to be her best, even when i fall apart...i put my pieces together and although, i may be a jig saw puzzle of a person...God, i am a good woman with a heart and a Spirit that sees the world through rose colored glasses and views life as this magic ride...and you...sigh...well, for you i am sorry because, while you're dwelling on the past and stunting your growth, i am running the other way...if you put limits on what can be, then you can't have me...

Monday, May 9, 2011

stream of consciousness...what happens when Spirit takes over...

we have allowed agreements to box us in...
we have allowed fear to imprison us and we don't realize it...
we think we're free but we're far from free...
we have forgotten to trust in ourselves,
much less believe in each other...
even our word is at question.
when a handshake used to be enough,
it has been replaced with contracts that signed
in triplicate can still be put to question under just the right
scrutiny and for just the right amount of money...
and money, ha...the devil cloaks himself in green,
lies fall from his lips and we take his guile to be truth-
there is no truth in currency.
there may be the momentary comforts that money can buy
but money requires us to grow reliant upon its power to provide those comforts...
we base our value on how much money we earn,
a despicable deviation from a most innate truth which is;
our value comes from a place money can never venture-
from the moment we enter this world, the green devil can never take away
our sacredness, although, we, immersed in our belief we our worthless,
do our best to give it away...
we sell ourselves short by selling ourselves out...
we settle for less than what we deserve and the tragic 'reality' is,
we do so willingly-we practically jump at the chance
eager we are to give up responsibility-fear a chokehold on our authenticity.
oh, the bullshit of it all!
all this angst, unnecessary waste of precious time...
trifling, exhausting...
these agreements have us focused on distractions when we could be
growing, learning, BEING...
we're too busy being angry, sullen...victims.
our anxieties hardwired, causing our sense of self worth to suffer a perpetual disconnect...
that still, small voice fidgetting within, constantly whispering, transcending to screams heard only
by our subconscious listening...
and we suffer, needlessly...none of it is real!
from the deepest part of ourselves we feel the fatigue this conformity causes, we hurt,
so much we hurt until one day, brought to our knees, we break...
and then...
i pray, i pray to the heavens, the earth, the gods...
i pray to m'self...
i simply pray and i beg for a peace i have never known...
i beg for release from a pain i have felt so long, it's as though it was there for my birth...
waiting to come over me and make me pay for sins not my own,
thrust upon me from those who came before, also struggling with their own agreements...
there is more to me than this...there is more to life than these lies...
conformity like a chain around my neck, the lock secure, the key in my own hand...
i can't go back to what was...i know too much...
so i stand in the dark, the light inside me begging to illuminate my path as i prepare
time to take that step, the first of many on a journey i've already been on, misguided, lost...
something More is happening, something is coming...
i don't want to miss what's ahead...
breathe when the pain comes,
gather all the love outside and within...
and stand more lies, no more distractions...
what we...what i have taken to believe as truth is no longer strong enough to bind me...
the lock around my neck i have unlocked...
my release is in my own hands and, although i'm scared, so scared...
i am ready...
fucking finally...
a work in progress i am, always a work in progress...
but finally, i am ready...