Thursday, July 30, 2009

it just doesn't matter

there comes a point when you realize, it just doesn't matter...the identity you create for yourself...really doesn't matter...
what matters is getting down to the nitty gritty...the "real" you...that part of you that existed well before any trends, fads, cliques or group orientations...
the real you depends on nothing for just "is" beginning, no is what is good within you...that light that may dim but is never put out...

even your name isn't is merely a title that allows you to traverse through this illusion we so often mistake for reality...
who do you choose to portray? what behavior do you choose to act out...where do you plan to draw the line today between what is right and what is wrong?
what is right? what is wrong? does what you see go against the grain of who you really are? does the box you see yourself in feel as though it is closing in upon you?
then break out...step out of the box and "be" whatever you want to be...choose for yourself, from deep within yourself...
society, as we've allowed it to become, tends toward oppression, the lock down of anything that is free thought, free speech...freedom...
the "rules" are not set in stone...they are simply agreements we've either agreed to or, in our apathetic slumber, didn't bother to question...
the idea that "that's the way it's always been done" is a lie...there was a time it was "done" differently...and...
it can be "done" differently still...
it just doesn't matter...who you portray yourself as, if who you really are never sees the light of day, hence, never gets the chance to make a difference...
it just doesn't matter...

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