Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Complacency…general-ass-izations…assumptions made, conclusions drawn, all the while ignoring common fucking courtesy…common decency…common respect…
The truth is not subtle, it is screaming to be heard in a world made deaf by denial…it is screaming with a voice made hoarse by the ignorance that runs rampant through the masses…the people should know better…the people DO know better…
Accountability must be accepted…we are responsible for our world, we must shake off the victim’s cloak, raise our faces to the light and accept our birthright, it is our responsibility to live with DIGNITY…racism is the most undignified evil of them all…it discounts the glory of our humanity, it belittles the value of our existence, and by God, I will not stand for it…
I will not stand idly by and allow the parade of foolish self righteousness to continue down the street that is my LIFE, my WORLD…my children deserve better…in fact…it is my duty, my most holy and sacred responsibility to impart within them indignation in the face of ignorance…yes, be insulted when you see someone oppressed….yes, be horrified when you see someone beat down…yes, be offended when you hear a term degrading in it’s hollow delivery…yes, be all these things and then BE MORE…be that someone who steps forward and faces the bullshit…be that someone who never backs down, the thorn in the side of complacent resignation…BE THE DRIVING FORCE OF CHANGE…
And, when all is said and done, and you lie there thinking back on your life…be assured, your voice was heard, however softly you may have spoken, your voice joined the long line of voices on a march toward something better, something more…something we all must look toward and fight for if we are ever going to find all that we are and can be..

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