Thursday, July 30, 2009

shelter from the rain

she closed her eyes as he began another angry tirade, raining his anger upon her...
like daggers at her spirit, his words cut, hurting her yet again...
she let herself wander to a place in her mind, a place of solace all her own...
under a tree she sat, breathing deeply...his shouting a dim disturbance far away...
leaning back, she looked out upon breathless beauty, grass blowing softly,
flowers lending their aroma to a breeze already pungent with the scent of rain...
she gazed into the distance and could see rolling clouds, filled with the promise of a great storm...
the air was cool on her skin, the moment so complete, so full in it's realness...
it would seem as though the angry man trying to degrade her so was simply a figment of her imagination...
she smiled and closed her eyes, let the rain dance across her face as the leaves on the tree sheltered her...

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