Thursday, July 30, 2009

class is in session

"When you face a challenge truly, there is no thought. There is just the see what needs to be solved at that moment, and that looking is fierce and gentle at the same time. And there is an activation of a greater intelligence than whatever you have learned." -- Eckhart Tolle
There's a place we belong to....a place accessible to us all. The rules of religion or of society have no bearing on this place. It's where we go in the quiet moments...when our mind is still and we step outside of the mores we have been programmed to think are's that twilight place between who we really are and what we would force ourselves to become...when we go there...we are at is the only "true" reality...all the rest is a we play on a stage...we are immersed in these roles, all the while knowing, feeling that there is something else, something just outside of our reach...we ramble through life playing our parts and living lives that barely scratch the surface of all that is possible...what we seek, struggle and strive for is there, always...within the profound soul of ourselves...just a breath away...and when we wake...when we begin to access this place, we realize that to truly be alive, we must be able to pull ourselves outside of this "play"...we stand off to the side and watch ourselves...only then can we make the best choices because that is when we get "it", when we can see that the thing we call reality isn't, instead it is a malleable game we play, easily managed...fear and doubt is replaced with a kind of childlike joy...wonderment...anticipation...this is who we really are...students, living out roles in a classroom...what do we choose to take from this place? Who do we choose to be in the face of all the lessons we are presented with?

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