Thursday, May 10, 2012


there is a fury building from deep within my Spirit...i am viewing the events of this world and the incredible apathy of my fellow brothers and sisters...what is wrong with us?  how have we been able to justify to ourselves the enormous cruelties we have allowed upon one another, other species that share our world and, the world Herself?  how can we in society think for one minute that it's ok to tell another how to live their life, who to love, where they are allowed to stand within the boundries of societal existence?  it is sickening to watch people behave in anger over a plate of food they certainly do not need, as they sit at their tables in restaurants with their noses in the air because their 'experience' is not up to par, meanwhile, children all over the world, to include this country, starve.  how can we walk with our heads held high screaming God's hate to a group of people and then turn around and preach an all loving and fair God in church...what sense does this make?  What sense does anything make when soldiers all over the world die in the name of freedom when the reality is, they die in the name of greed, power, money...and we all know it!  we are not stupid but, we pretend stupidity...we turn a blind eye to truth and it is infuriating....wake up!  a change is needed...a change is coming...WAKE UP!

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