Sunday, January 3, 2010

'back then'

i got on the bus and sat next to an ancient looking woman...
her skin was dark and weathered,
her eyes the deepest blue-black,
like the midnight blue of my most favorite of nights...
she spoke to herself and i almost wrote her off as crazy...
and then, i listened and realized this ancient woman was telling me a story...
whether i took the time to hear her words or not didn't seem to matter to her...
"back then my mama would take us on walks and show us what would heal and what would hurt...she showed us how to listen and let our own bodies tell us what was wrong...these days, no one listens..."
i sat next to her and felt like a little girl again,
and i listened...
i listened...


  1. I dig this so much! It's true...these days, no one listens.

  2. Sounds like youre finding spiritual experiences in everything, which is what I strive for..I have experienced this same thing, and was left with a grateful heart, and an aura of love :)sometimes I wish I lived back when mothers still did that..
