Monday, October 19, 2009

i am but a...

i am but a note sitting upon a page of music that both delights and saddens...
a melodious sound that evokes both pain and joy, love and hate...
i am but a word sitting amongst many in a story that has no beginning, no end...
a book that entices the Reader to turn page after page,
never knowing what will happen next...
i am but a stroke from a painter's brush, sitting upon a palette of many colors...
i know that my hue graces His canvas and that i am a part of a great work...
i am but a breeze left over from a great wind, a small drop of rain...
from a great storm that has crossed over the fields of humanity
and left it's mark forever...
i am but a small part of a larger small,
yet, i am so important...
He treasures me, seeks me out, as he does all my brothers and sisters...
you are as i am...small, seemingly insignificant, yet...not so in His eyes...
we are cherished, loved without condition, treasured beyond all reason...
there is no reason other than pure and complete Love...
we are this and more, simply...we are...simply...
i am...

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