Thursday, July 30, 2009

Where I See Myself

i am sitting on a beach, legs are crossed...the sun is setting and i am alone...the sand is warm still and feels good on my legs...i look out at the ocean and watch the sun's rays play across the water...i am calm as the tide moves in and out in front of this moment, i am all that i am destined to be...i have all that i need...i realize that this has always been true...a lifetime of struggle is shrugged away as i accept the truth that, everything is as it should be...i run my hand through my hair and pull my knees up to my chin...the little girl in me sits on the edge of my consciousness...she has come to let me know that i am a child still...that, when all the layers of life are peeled away and all my pain is released...i remain full of wonder and excitement at what there is to learn....not what there is to have story can be changed...i can make it up as i go...nothing is is all merely an experience...when we go back to the childlike in us, to the innocense that we emanated when we first arrived, we look at the world with fresh eyes and we can let go of the stories we've written...stories that clouded our vision...we are enlightened and with this comes empowerment...the quiet, peaceful, strong kind of empowerment that seeks to prove just is...

this is where i see myself...

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