Friday, February 5, 2010


you gotta open your heart...
let the light shine in
let the warmth of love have a chance...
right now all you do is delve in self pity...
and love ain't got time for that noise
it is what it is...
we all have felt pain
we all have suffered...
do not for a moment think you are alone...
you keep this up...
and you're gonna be...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

you forgot how to pay attention

man, just sit and be quiet!
breathe and listen...
this be the forest and for as big and bad as you think you are...
you ain't.
listen to the wind, use your nose, smell where it's been...
did you catch that? jasmine faint, but it's there...
pine...deer...a bear hunting salmon...
all this going on, did you know?
no, you forgot how to pay attention to what's real...
too busy being distracted by 'agreements'...
money, power, boundaries...all agreements...
to which i disagree...
if only i could harness the desperate, crazy pain i feel
for all that's been lost...
i would use this power to bring it all back...
and shatter these agreements...
just give me the forest, let me sit quiet and listen...
and you can be damned sure,
i will know to pay attention...

bloom before you wither

'bloom before you wither'...
she read these words on a bathroom wall...
sage advice offered in the strangest of places...
matters not from whence wisdom comes...
wisdom simply and quietly makes it's presence known...
'bloom before you wither'...
a call to all...drop the reasons why not...
and face the sun's light...
move forward, declare and demand that your gifts be known...
explore your colors and songs...
and then blast them loud and proud upon a world so eager...
for even as you enjoy the passions that move within you...
so do we all enjoy what you got to offer...
crazy concept that rings true to this Spirit's own song...
we are each gifts unto each other...
yes, yes indeed...
'bloom before you wither'...