a quote or thought generated in the mind of moetif...me!
~moeism: you hold your own key, you are your own healing, the light you seek brims from your own eyes.
~moeism: whatever bad thing happens in my life, there's always a new day right around the corner. i can choose to be beaten or i can hold my head up. i can take a lesson from the experience so that in the end i can do something crazy; i can be grateful it happened...i am a better person for it...
~moeism: ever stand out in the woods under a full moon and just listen? the Earth is breathing, living, telling us stories and we resonate...
~moeism: rather than using walls to protect y'self...use them to see who'll work to peer over them...those are keepers...
~moeism: we all have crosses to bear and a choice...pity ourselves or pull ourselves up and decide to count our blessings...yea, it's that easy, and know this...while they might let you sulk a little, real friends won't let you wallow for long...so SNAP OUT OF IT!
~moeism: ah...love and friendship...those people you can fall in step with, even when you march to the beat of different drummers...even alone, we are not...
~moeism: just spent 20 minutes crouched down with my four year old neighbor as we quietly watched a bug traverse through a jungle of dead leaves...time well spent
~moeism: i wish i could go back to 'before'...i wish i could remember how i 'saw' things before i was shown 'how' to see things...
~moeism: history is interesting as it conforms to the perspective of the historian...what is truth? grains of salt should be thrown in by the handful...
~moeism: did you know you are a story walkin this world, interacting with other stories...page after page...simple and majestic...a story worth the telling
~moeism: we all possess greatness, innate blessings...what be frustrating are those who choose to ignore their value...purposely drawing a blind eye...
~moeism: silence speaks volumes...from the quiet come the answers you torture y'self to find...listen...all you need is to listen...
~moeism: today i took a risk and was rewarded for it...my fears were unnecessary...how much life do we miss over false fear? sometimes you just gotta jump...
~moeism: when all that's left of me is memory...my prayer is that i will have taught my daughters 4 to wonder, to love and above all, to be resilient...
~moeism: speak to me, speak to me, soft words that speak to me, soulfully...dig down deep, be real with me and share with me...you...
~moeism: when laid bare of facades and weathered by life's torments, what seeks the soul to find? a quiet peace that comes only after letting go...
~moeism: sometimes no words said say enough...silence speaks its own depth, its own truth and man...i'm doing my best to listen...
~moeism: how is one wrong for feeling what they feel? outside looking in, they be judged foolish...inside looking out, a trail has been set and they are called to follow...
~moeism: i used to think m'self a fool for believing so much in others...now i realize i'm a fool for not believing enough in m'self...i'm no fool anymore...
~moeism: wrestling our demons is sometimes futile...just standing quiet and staring those demons down is all we need...tears falling, we stand strong...
~shandamoeism: it's ok to have a bad moment, but don't let that deem it a bad day...enough of those strung together make for a bad life and who wants that?
~moeism: we emanate colors we don't see, music we don't hear...i want to feel your colors, taste your music...be with you quietly, watch you unfold
~moeism: i remember running switchbacks under a full moon, pushing m'self til i no longer needed to...my body took on the power of the wind and i flew...
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