Friday, November 6, 2009

i demand of you this...

i demand of you this...
be better...
i demand that you rise above...
that you use your talents for more
than just enrichening yourself...
i demand that you be an example...
you are not living here alone...
you have much to offer...
if only by living the best you can...
i demand you stop for a moment...
give thanks for your blessings...
wallowing in self imposed pity,
is a waste of all that you are, all you can be...
i demand that you seek your destiny...
rather than wait for fate to push you round the corner...
examine your choices, learn from them, good or bad...
i demand much, oh, but wait...there's more...
i demand that you take what has shaken you to your core
and use it to build yourself back from the abyss of sadness...
this depression is a weak, meek excuse to be victim...
stop...take what you've learned and turn the ugly into beauty...
you have a compassion now borne from having been at the
front line of hard experience, whatever that experience may be...
i demand that you stand after having fallen, shake yourself off...
i demand all this, and so much unspoken more...
after all this, with audacity i ask but one more thing...a favor if you will...
i ask that you in turn, demand all that i have and so much unspoken more...
of me....

thank you...

it use to be...
i was easily impressed by a favorable mention,
i was easily impressed by the obvious...
no longer is this so...
i find, i've become particular...
if you speak to my mind, my soul...i want to hear more...
don't tell me i am beautiful
if you haven't had time to know my soul...
beauty being only skin deep...your compliments fall empty,
unless you have taken the time to know the soul within...
listen...weigh heavy my words...
challenge me, make me accountable...
respectfully i will consider your views...
thankfully, i will examine my own...
to fight the good fight, it is imperative,
to be clear on all the vantages, all the facets that are possible...
question me, challenge me...anger me if you must...
i will respect the truth of what you say...
i may take it on... i may...hehehehe...
or i may not...that's ok tho'...
you made me made me examine all that is....
this is a good thing...for this i am grateful...
for this privilege...let's go grab a beer, listen to good music,
converse, argue, make up and talk some more...
be the inspiration that challenges me to be my best and then some...
and know that when all is said and done, i have but this to say to you....

thank you....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

And what?!

And what? Whatchu gots to say?
I beat the odds oh yeah I did...
I didn't believe the lies...
I didn't allow your own inferiorities to become
I kept on keepin on.
and my power is paying off..
you see, my power is my own...
has nothing to do with your lack of faith...
my power stems from a deep place, a profound knowing.
I know what I can do.
I know what I can offer.
To believe any less in myself is not only a sin...
I would later regret.
It is a disservice I would have committed against the world.
I am a force to be reckoned with...
this scares you.
As I write this arrogant prose,
I realize,
You fear me!
You have reason to!
Ha! Yeah I'm makin my dreams reality.
What? Whatchu gots to say?
Not a damn thing, yeah.
When in the presence of greatness one does find oneself rendered
That's ok tho'...
I enjoy the silence your shock is awarding me.
I enjoy the breeze of success blowing upon my skin after
the work and sweat I put into making my dream come true...
feels good, feels real
what? Whatchu gots to say?
Ahhh not a damn thing huh? Cool, wouldn't take a moment,
No, no more precious moments to entertain your fears.
Step off, I've got things to do...
What...never mind...don't care whatchu gots to say...

Dance With Me

Dance with me
show me it's safe to follow you.

I've never felt safe with a man,
my heart an open book
so he can tear out my pages.

I look in your eyes
wishing I could trust
that you are real.

Your hand reaches for mine
and again I ask,
show me it's safe...

to follow you...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


empower yourselves...give yourself permission to love yourself, to cherish your humanity...
teach our children this love so that when they move out into the world, they can face any situation...
build your self esteem, know that you are Divine...
by your example, lead our children to hold themselves in high esteem...
this way, they will turn away from those who would profess false love, those who would cheat and lie to them...
teach them their value as human beings, allow them to see your eyes light up when they come into the room...
know that by doing these things, you are changing the world...and you are living righteously...
it isn't necessary to do big things, it isn't necessary to receive thanks for your deeds...
the simplest of actions trigger an invisible wave that stretches outward into the world...
live your life with honor, love and respect...feel the joy and gratitude for who you are, what you have...
regardless of our skin color, our ethnicity, our religion, our class...regardless of these differences...
we aren't so very different...fundamentally...
what is fundamentally the same is the light that shines within us...this light is what makes us all brothers and sisters,
this Divine spiritual force that resides inside us all...
all the rest is just noise, agreed upon standards that weren't always there...
to look at a black man and write him off simply due to his color, this is not Divine, therefore it is a false way to live...
to say to a woman that she must cover her face, this is not Divine, therefore it is false...
anything or anyone who would put down another speaks not from his or her soul but rather,
they speak from a place of fear, they have forgotten their own spiritual Divinity...
we must offer forth the grace of forgiveness not just to these people but to ourselves, for all of us have
succumbed once or twice to this fear...some have made a life of following this falsity...
they aren't happy...
let us teach our children to look outside of societal mores that do nothing in the way of empowerment, hence,
they do nothing to honor humanity and nothing to honor God...
let us honor God...
let us honor ourselves...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

the spirit dance

i close my eyes and let the music envelop my senses,
headphones allowing only for the notes of one song,
then another to enter upon my listening...
my body sways, surrendering to my soul's wanderings...
like a flame flickering, fed only by the sound of instrumental musings,
the exploration of a world not far from our fingertips,
a place we once could see and if we let them, our children can teach us about,
before we erase their memories with our well meant teachings...
a place set deep in our hearts,
a memory we all share but can't all seem to remember...
music, in the midnight hour is to me a release...
momentary freedom from the bonds of fears taught to me from a past
i'd like nothing more than to distance myself from forever...
take the lessons gleaned yes, but forget, sweetly erase the memories of the pain evoked...
when i let myself float upon the music, i remember from whence i came...
i see my spirit's vibrance as though stepped back from myself...
my soul gazes back with loving eyes and then i step in...
back into myself and i become again what i have always been...
i sway with a spirit's grace, colors played upon by the light that is mine...
the light that is within and shines through my own eyes...
out to a world struggling also to dance the spirit's dance...
the music is playing, always, the Creator tenaciously continues to strum the strings,
waiting so patient for our awakening...for our dance back...
back to the light that we carry inside as subtle reminders of the brilliance that borne us...
words barely express my own joy as my spirit takes over and i sway...
vibrant colors, light plays upon light...and all this with eyes closed, looking in...