Thursday, November 5, 2009

And what?!

And what? Whatchu gots to say?
I beat the odds oh yeah I did...
I didn't believe the lies...
I didn't allow your own inferiorities to become
I kept on keepin on.
and my power is paying off..
you see, my power is my own...
has nothing to do with your lack of faith...
my power stems from a deep place, a profound knowing.
I know what I can do.
I know what I can offer.
To believe any less in myself is not only a sin...
I would later regret.
It is a disservice I would have committed against the world.
I am a force to be reckoned with...
this scares you.
As I write this arrogant prose,
I realize,
You fear me!
You have reason to!
Ha! Yeah I'm makin my dreams reality.
What? Whatchu gots to say?
Not a damn thing, yeah.
When in the presence of greatness one does find oneself rendered
That's ok tho'...
I enjoy the silence your shock is awarding me.
I enjoy the breeze of success blowing upon my skin after
the work and sweat I put into making my dream come true...
feels good, feels real
what? Whatchu gots to say?
Ahhh not a damn thing huh? Cool, wouldn't take a moment,
No, no more precious moments to entertain your fears.
Step off, I've got things to do...
What...never mind...don't care whatchu gots to say...

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS! totally resonates with me. Looking forward to reading many many more of your poems...and prose. Do you livein Arizona? If many of these would be AMAZING read out-loud a local open mic...night @ a venue I frequent...
