Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Getting Ahead

Why are we trying to get ahead? Ahead of what? Ahead in someone's manufactured idea of what life should be? Someone sat down and wrote a book. He then went out and marketed his story, so to speak. He enrolled anyone who would listen into his idea and soon, he had quite a following. Somewhere along the way, people forgot that the story was just a story and started to live as though it were real. Then, they passed this on to their children who in turn passed it on to their own children. There were minor changes made here and there. The book had become "reality". Laws were made to keep people in line with the plot of the story and society frowned upon anyone who got too creative. People forgot that life is their own creation and that getting ahead is really just a chapter in someone's idea for a book. Anyone interested in writing a new book?

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