Thursday, July 30, 2009


she threw open the door in angry frustration...the wind was picking up on this hot day, hinting at the storm coming...she stepped outside and began her run...her hair she'd left out and she looked like a wild woman...she didn't care...years of living for everyone else had begun to take it's toll...what did it get her to sacrifice her needs for others? nothing but disappointment and disillusion...she ran for all she was worth, up the side of a very tall hill, the switchbacks served as a though a race track on which to extend her wrath...her mental dialogue was more a ranting from the inner voice she'd ignored all this time...that still small voice could no longer stay still or small, rather, her inner Spirit grabbed her full attention and made her take responsibility...all this time she'd ignored her own very real, very valid needs...she was sick and tired of this half living...she wanted to live fully, explosively...she hammered her way up the hill and reached it's crest...only then did she slow down to a jog, then a walk...breathing heavily, she looked out over the valley and watched as the storm blew in with certain fury...she felt as though she'd been freed from a cage of her own making...from now on, she would come first...her daughters would learn this from her, treat themselves the way they wanted others to treat them, rather than the other way around...this wasn't about selfish egotism...this was about finding and fulfilling her own joy, her own was time to break out and make herself number one in her world...if a man could handle her intensity, by all means, she would dare him to try...if he took up that dare, then he would be worthy of her and of her daughters...if he couldn't handle it...he could be man enough to walk away or damned enough to be tossed out of the way by the sheer power of her hora de vivir!

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