Monday, September 23, 2013


i remember my dad taking us to the Mogollan Rim (i was 8 yrs old)...i walked to a huge, flat rock that extended over the cliff & sat down cross legged, like i was getting ready to hear a story at the foot of a great storyteller, only the storyteller was the Wind as She moved through the trees i gazed out many trees, so many different kinds of green! i remember that breathing in & out deeply & mindfully was natural to me back then, i didn't need a guide or self help cd (lol)...i just knew, i felt the sanctity of the moment, the sacred, simple quiet of my own thoughts in favor of the sounds coming from the forest around me...i felt that cool breeze on my face & through my hair & at eight years old i remembered...i remembered love, grace, quiet, peace...i remembered joy, i was joy...i was Spirit...when i tell people about that memory i am sometimes told i was kind of a weird kid...i guess maybe i was? but, years later, as an adult, finally i am more & more embracing my "weirdness" & i'm not faking who i am or what i believe so that others might like or respect me...i dig this track i'm on, i am good with being a little out there or, as i was told often in my childhood, living with my head in the feet are firmly planted in the soil, digging in because, after all, i am a work in progress...i reflect on the many, many poor choices i have made & i am, one by one, forgiving myself for those errors in judgment...self forgiveness & self love are crucial to living your best life & to being an example...i am digging in & facing my own mirror, many times with great effort because the view can be dark, but i'm seeking the lessons taught by consequences & finding the light through it all...personal responsibility brings with it power, the kind of quiet strength that keeps one humble...there is a quiet i am feeling that has nothing to do with the noise outside of myself...i want to cultivate this quiet...i am in Love with this quiet & i know this quiet is God...i feel no need to prove what i know or to to argue with others over what they know...this is a place in my soul that gives me peace & needs no definition or explanation...i'm cool with it... :)

Friday, September 13, 2013

love, in its purest form

love, in its purest form does not cater to does not is not jealous, love in its purest form allows for growth, in fact, within this love, one cannot help but grow, become a better has taken me a long time to learn's as tho' the doors in my heart have been thrown open & i am facing this beautiful open field...the sky is a deep blue, the breeze carries the scent of rain & i am!  this is the good stuff indeed...

simply peace

just a thought i've been mulling over...through this happiness i'm feeling, i must remain unattached...some might not's my view...we're all looking for happiness & doing our best to run away from sadness...but why?  neither emotion is permanent, both are inevitable & both share an equal importance for the journey we're, i think our focus should instead be on the acceptance of what is, the use of what we experience as tools to become all we strive to become & peace...simply peace...i think true joy comes from peace & really, what else can compare?  i think our most fundamental purpose is to remember who we really are, to wake up from the dream...for me, this is a spiritual ride & it's finally making sense...(disclaimer:  there were no Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, Hindus, Wiccans or anyone else intentionally challenged, bullied, ridiculed or harmed during the writing of these thoughts...they're just my thoughts)...just a lil moeism by moetif

leaps and bounds

leaps & bounds to success are great...high achievements are to be proud of...but baby steps, ah...those baby steps on your way to a better life...these sacred small accomplishments are never celebrated enough & they should be because after all, some of the toughest journeys back from a fall usually began with a baby step...never minimize your courage & power because you're moving a bit slow on your're moving & that is in & of itself, a big deal...keep it up, you got this...

for me, today showed me, i definitely got this...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

talk to me...

talk to me, talk to me,
teach me your paradigm
so that my paradigm can extend further
beyond the limits of this lifelong, imaginary box...
the walls are becoming transparent,
my eyes, once blind, are beginning to see
because i am awakening to a vision both
new and familiar...i am realizing who i really am
on a level far deeper than words can travel...
but i will use my words, i will paint pictures with my words
and i will clear the dust off the window of my Spirit so that others
can see what i see...
whether they choose to dig deep within themselves or not is
not my worry...i know a seed will be planted and in time will grow,
just as mine has...